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Punto De Vista: Alondra Valeria Galvan BFA Group Piece
This moment in time is an interlude to the rest of our lives. Take each point of view and assess life accordingly. I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THIS MUSIC.

Imprinted Isolation
Final Solo for Choreo 4

This improvisational structured score was made in collaboration with the dancers at the TL Sessions held in March of 2023. The dancers explored the musical improvisation as a stimulus from our collaboration with Steve Ashmore.

Perception of Action

Finding the (Vibe)rations: Mariachi music and it's effects on you
A movement performance showcasing the research of how Mariachi music affects contemporary dancer’s musical intuition and improvisation. In partial fulfilment for the Masters of Fine Arts degree in Choreography at Trinity Laban Conservatoire for Music and Dance.

The righteous wrath of an honourable man
An improvisational score based on the title of the song, the musical queues, and a creative movement flow. This project came out of thin air and it has filled my heart with warmth. The talent and grace Alejandra showed up with inspired me to find a creative lens through my camera. I aspire to continue to find frames within frames and document moments like this. This won't be the last time collaborating with such an amazing dancer like Ale!

"Queen" Student Dance 2019
"Queen" Student Dance 2019

Estados De Ánimo
This was my senior BFA solo for USF. Class of 2021. Estados de Ánimo, or Moods are a temporary state of mind or feeling.

Tadow: Mujer
USF Student Choreographic Dance Concert. Tadow is "expressing the inexplicable synchronicity of human life and the sublime experiences of subjectivity and wonder that the English language cannot adequately describe." Thank you to EvoLove Event Center of Wesley Chapel for hosting the space to create art.

La Catrina: La Guía de la Vida y la Muerte
BailaME.X, the Mexican dance collective participated in London’s Day of the Dead Festival on Columbia Rd, on Saturday, November 2, 2024, with two performances at Bird Cage Plaza. This piece, titled "La Catrina," explores the rich symbolism of La Catrina as a guide between life and death, equality and mortality. Performed by Lesly Avendaño with choreography and direction by Alondra Galvan, the dance blends Mexican folkloric and contemporary styles, embodying La Catrina’s role as a reminder of our shared humanity. The performance also features a bilingual spoken poem, "La Catrina: La Guía de la Vida y la Muerte," that reflects on life’s brevity and the unity of all in death. This powerful poem will underscore the themes of the dance: La Catrina’s message that life is fleeting, but truth is eternal, and in the end, we are all equal. Together, the movement and words invite the audience into the heart of this cultural celebration. (Transcription of Sound) "La Catrina: La Guía de la Vida y la Muerte La Catrina: The Guide of Life and Death La Catrina camina en silencio,con su sombrero y su sonrisa vacía,en sus huesos lleva historias,del tiempo y su eterna armonía. La Catrina walks in silence,with her hat and hollow smile,in her bones she carries storiesof time and its eternal style. A todos nos iguala, sin distinción,a ricos, a pobres, a jóvenes, ancianos,porque en su danza nos encontramosen un mismo suelo, en el mismo llano. She makes us equal, every one,rich and poor, young and old,for in her dance we all will meeton the same earth, in the same fold. Nos recuerda que somos polvo y esencia,que lo eterno se lleva lo efímero,y con su risa nos enseñaque la vida es breve, lo verdadero eterno. She reminds us we’re dust and essence,that the eternal absorbs the brief,and with her laughter she teaches usthat life is fleeting, the true is chief. La Catrina es guía, es espejo,es recordatorio de nuestra humanidad,que al final, en la paz de los huesos,todos somos uno en la inmensidad. La Catrina is a guide, a mirror,a reminder of our shared humanity,for in the peace of bone and marrow,we all are one in eternity."

La Llorona
A collaborative choreographic project to a song so dear and iconic to me. I’ve grown up listening to this song sung by many of the greatest singers in Mexican music, Chavela Vargas, Natalia Lafourcade, Marco Antonio Solis y Angelica Vale, Lila Downs, and Angela Aguilar. This performance took place May 30th, 2024 @ Blackheath Halls in London. Thank you to Barbara for reaching out to me to create this lovely choreography with my dear Mexican friend, Lesly. The entire night was hosted by Barbara’s angelic voice and songwriting in a concert full of vibrant music!

Woman Loving Women
Solo performed in part of the MODArts Dance Collective Thread Festival